Take care of your trees, and they will take care of you and your property. For example, you can help your trees to stay healthy and strong by trimming them. But a trim every now and then is not just good for your tree - it is also good for you and your neighbors.
Overgrown trees are hazardous in an urban environment. And when a tree outgrows its space, it will put both you and your neighbors at risk. Discover why overgrown trees can be perilous.
Property Damage From Overhanging Branches
On warm summer days when the sun is shining and the air is still, overhanging branches do not pose much of a risk. That is why you might not realize how dangerous a branch is until it is too late. Once the wind picks up and a storm hits, a large branch can cause considerable property damage.
An overgrown tree with multiple heavily-laden branches could damage your home's siding, roof, and windows in bad weather. If the tree is large enough, your neighbor's home is also at risk.
Accidental Collisions With Low-Hanging Branches
Low-hanging branches can become deadly obstacles, especially in bad weather. On your own property, lowhanging branches can take you by surprise. But if those branches are long enough to lean over your fence over a pedestrian walkway or into your neighbor's garden, the risk of accidental collision is even greater.
Serious Injury From Your Tree Falling in High Winds
In the US, falling trees cause more than one billion dollars' worth of property damage each year. One reason that large trees fall is that they have dense canopies. When the wind picks up and whips through an overgrown tree with a dense canopy, the risk of that tree falling is high. Trees with well-trimmed canopies and well-spaced branches fare much better in high winds.
Wind will pass through a thin canopy easily. On the other hand, wind can cause an overgrown tree to uproot and fall over.
Dead Branches That Fall Without Warning From a Dense Canopy
One serious issue with overgrown trees is that you cannot see what is happening inside the canopy. This is dangerous because you will not be able to spot dead branches or branches that have weak connections. Sometimes, tree branches die because trees cut off their food supply. This is because the branch does not bring in enough food. Branches also die because of disease and pests.
If you cannot see the dead branches in your overgrown tree's canopy, you run the risk of incurring property damage or injury when one falls without warning.
Hiding Places That Unwanted Pests as Well as Unwanted Humans Use
Unfortunately, large trees with dense canopies are also great hiding places for both animals and humans. In terms of animals, pests like rats, opossums, and snakes can hide out among the branches of an overgrown tree. And if those branches extend toward your home, the pests hiding amongst those branches could invade your home.
Also, would-be burglars can use overgrown trees as hiding places. They may even be able to use the cover of an overgrown tree to gain access to your home undetected and unheard.
Healthy and beautiful trees are not just safer for your property. Along with good landscaping, well-trimmed trees can also boost your property's value by 1 to 10 percent.
Is your tree starting to look overgrown? Then it likely needs a trim. Call McClain's Tree Expertstoday, and we will help to keep you, your neighbors, and your property safe with some timely tree trimming. We look forward to seeing you soon.
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