According to research done between 2009 and 2016, 45% of large trees, 38% of medium trees, and 32% of small trees had died by 2016. This is a high mortality rate, which can often be linked to poor health. Trees are vital to nature since they provide oxygen, prevent erosion, reduce water runoff, and help control temperature.
Therefore, if they reduce, the environment can be at a risk. Hence, everyone should play their part. If you have trees on your property, you should protect them, and one of the ways to protect them is by trimming them when necessary. Discover five signs you need to trim your trees.
1. Disease Symptoms
You should always check your trees routinely to spot potential issues at an early stage. For instance, if a tree is infected, you should cut the infected part quickly before it spreads to an uncontrollable magnitude.
The major parts to check are the leaves and branches. If you notice discoloration, necrotic lesions, blisters, dark spots, or powdery mold on the leaves, your tree may have a fungal infection. You might also need to be alarmed if the leaves fall prematurely. On the branches, look for signs of decay.
Call a certified arborist service to help you. The professionals will trim the diseased areas and treat your tree to prevent future diseases.
2. Storm Damage
Harsh weather conditions, such as a storm, can significantly affect your trees. If your trees have signs of damage after a storm, such as hanging branches broken by strong winds, consult an arborist.
Also, heavy rains that cause flooding can damage your roots. Therefore, hire experts to inspect your trees after a storm. They will trim the broken branches or recommend tree removal if the damage is extreme.
3. Tree Stress
Tree stress occurs when trees are not in their normal condition. It is from a wide array of factors, which include too much water, too little water, excess fertilizer, harsh gardening tools, pest attack, human foot traffic, and sun damage.
For instance, if you give your trees too much fertilizer, they will grow faster, depleting resources prematurely. This means that at some point, they will likely start growing weaker. Excessive fertilizer can also lead to burned and discolored foliage.
If your trees are overwatered, their leaves could become overly green but fall prematurely. Underwatering will lead to wilted or curled leaves.
Hence, if some parts of your trees are not normal, get professional help. The specialists will look for areas that were severely affected by the stressors and remove them.
4. Overly Grown Trees
A tree can be healthy but grow too large. This can cause safety issues since the branches can go over power lines or fall on your roof. They can also prevent other trees and plants in the landscaping from getting adequate sunlight, interfering with their growth. Moreover, trees that grow too large are sometimes aesthetically unpleasant.
If you have such a tree in your yard, call experts to trim the branches to give your trees pleasing structures. The tree care experts know the right time and how to trim the trees so they won't affect the trees' normal growth.
5. Cracks
If the branches of a tree have several cracks, your tree may be weak, or its wounds may have closed improperly. During your periodic tree inspection, look for cracks carefully as some can go unnoticed. An arborist can help you determine if the cracks are dangerous or not. They will then trim the branches if they are beyond salvaging.
Trimming is one of the procedures that arborists use to keep trees healthy. Our company offers tree trimming, tree removal, stump grinding, cabling, and bracing services in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Contact us today for more information.
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